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GONZALO va in Italia

Gonzalo Va in Italy

“How good to be here, the truth is that everything is enriching, the good and the bad, they have always taught me to get the positive side of things, I fell and I got up many times and that's there, in my last fall , where Bioksan appeared ... "
Cómo conseguir un sueño de calidad y por qué el extracto de cereza te hace dormir mejor

How to get a dream of quality and why cherry extract makes you sleep better

Sleep well It is essential to face the day to day with energy and perform in our daily activities. Without enough rest, our body weakens and begins to fail: the concentration and the attention, ability to memorization, increases the probability of suffering cardiovascular accidents or diseases such as hypertension
Consejos para evitar la acidez y el reflujo en Navidad

Tips to avoid heartburn and reflux at Christmas

The delicious christmas food It is a delight for our liking, but in these moments when meals, dinners and other commitments become a routine of the end of the year and beginning of the next, it is necessary to remember that moderation when eating is essential to enjoy good health. Not only in the medium and long term to avoid problems such as overweight, but to overcome other more immediate ailments such as heartburn and the gastric reflux.
Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente

World Environment Day

In Bioksan We take the reality of our planet very seriously and the effect on health, so we promised ourselves from the beginning to promote healthy habits through 100% natural nutraceutics whose production has no impact on our environment or whose minimum impact is neutralized by compensatory actions.
Nunca es tarde para comenzar a cuidar de nuestras articulaciones

It's never too late to start taking care of our joints

The Dr. Patricia Márquez Rodríguez, Head of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service at San Roque University Hospitals in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, she tells us the importance of keeping the joints in good physical condition.
Esta Navidad , cuida tus digestiones con Iromax

This Christmas, take care of your digestion with Iromax

The Christmas is synonymous with celebrations and parties with family and friends, as well as great banquets in which the meal abounds But to be able to enjoy Christmas delicacies healthily, you have to know when enough is enough.
Cuando la memoria falla

When memory fails

Where did I put my glasses? Did I talk to my brother this morning? I can't remember where the bakery was located?

Subjective memory complaints (feeling unusual forgotten) could be an early symptom of cognitive impairment according to a study published in the prestigious scientific journal Neurology.

Cómo evitar y frenar la caída del cabello de forma efectiva

How to prevent and stop hair loss effectively

He hair It is an important part of our appearance and self-esteem. The Hair loss It is a common concern that affects men and women alike. Therefore, we bring you effective tips to prevent and stop hair loss, while we unravel some myths and truths.
Cómo eliminar y prevenir las varices de forma eficaz

How to eliminate and prevent varicose veins effectively

The Dr. Elisa Bordes Galván, a doctor specializing in Angiology and Vascular Surgery at San Roque Las Palmas University Hospitals, tells us the importance of preventing and treating varicose veins.

World Brain Day

"Neurons are cells of delicate and elegant forms, the mysterious butterflies of the soul, whose beats who knows if the secret of mental life will someday clarify."

Ramón y Cajal (Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1906)

Dime qué deporte practicas y te diré cómo debes cuidar tus articulaciones

Tell me what sport you practice and I will tell you how you should take care of your joints

In Bioksan we show you How you can prepare your joints to avoid injuries depending on the sport you practice.
Bioksan es Ciencia y Tecnología

Bioksan is science and technology

  "A nutraceutical It is a food or part of a food capable of providing beneficial health effects, including disease prevention and treatment ”(Stephen Defelice)   Science is the backbone...