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You have probably experienced the unpleasant symptoms of the menopause. And if your discomfort is continuous, you will be looking for a method to nip it in the bud.

If this is your case, in Bioksan we offer you solutions so that you can live this stage of your life to the fullest, without worries, confident in yourself and with an active life.

Symptoms and how to deal with them

Hot flushes

During menopause you may be approached occasionally by feeling of unbearable heat, which makes you sweat, or you will see that you fur HE reddens for no apparent reason.

Our advice is that you try to dress with several layers, so that when you have this feeling of heat you can get rid of some of them and feel relieved.

woman with hot flashes due to menopause


Reconcile the dream It is not always easy, especially when our pace of life is so fast that we do not stop thinking about our tasks or work. Menopause can also be one of the causes of lack of sleep, but you can put it solution!

First of all, it is essential to carry a sleep routine in which you go to bed and get up at same hours. And as a complement you can take Zenex, which has properties that will make you enjoy quality and long-lasting sleep.

Fatigue and tiredness

When they occur continuous variations in the hormonal levels, especially of the estrogen, women can experience fatigue and lack of energy.

That is why we recommend that you practice sport on a regular basis, as it will strengthen your body so that you can overcome these downturns.

urine infections

Menopause can affect the health of the Urinary tract and make you more susceptible to developing infections.

Consequently, you should take extreme intimate hygiene and drink a lot of water. Uriex It will help you take care of yourself in case of genitourinary infections.

Humor changes

Another of the common symptoms of menopause is suffering sudden changes in it mood, or suffer irritability and anxiety.

To keep them under control, it is recommended that you relax by doing activities that you like, like reading, walking or meditating. You can also consider taking Menok to recover your hormonal balance.

Loss of bone density

Menopause may increase the risk of developing osteoporosis, which is a serious condition that you should not overlook.

How osteoporosis causes weakening of the bones and bone fractures, it is advisable that you incorporate foods rich in calcium, vitamin D and Omega 3.

Recommended ingredients

If you are looking for a dietary supplement To help you cope with menopause, at Bioksan we have selected some interesting ingredients that should include:

  • Soy: contains isoflavones, a type of phytoestrogens similar to estrogens that are essential for female sexual health.
  • Magnolia: controls anxiety and oxidation.
  • Agnocasto: acts on the ovary that stimulates the secretion of luteinizing hormone and progesterone.
  • Calcium: essential for bones.
  • Magnesium: reduces tiredness and fatigue.
  • Melatonin: It has great antioxidant power and regulates hormonal balance and strengthens the immune system.


Now that you know how to stand up to him to the menopause, in Bioksan We are sure that nothing will stop you at this stage of your life. You will simply be yourself!
