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“Diarrea del Viajero”. Cómo Prevenirla y Tratarla

“Diarrea del Viajero”. Cómo Prevenirla y Tratarla

El verano ha llegado y con él las tan esperadas vacaciones y viajes. Sin embargo, uno de los problemas más comunes que pueden arruinar una escapada perfecta es la temida...
mejorar la concentración

10 tips to improve your concentration

In times of exams or intense work, maintaining a good concentration is key to success in your daily tasks, especially in times of stress. Concentration is a complex function that...
Complemento alimenticio para controlar la prediabetes

Food complement to control prediabetes

The link between prediabetes, diabetes and the importance of glycemic control Prediabetes and diabetes They affect millions of people Worldwide. These conditions are characterized by high blood glucose levels, which...
¿Para qué sirve el aloe vera?

What is Aloe Vera for?

He aloe vera It is known for its healing and cosmetic properties. In fact, it is a plant that has been used since ancient times. This article explores the characteristics...
caida del cabello

Natural remedy for hair loss

Hair drop is a growing concern for both men and women in today's society. Factors such as stress, poor diet and genetics play an important role in this problem. However, natural solutions such as Bioksan Capilex are gaining popularity due to their integral benefits.
¿Cómo impacta la pérdida de Biodiversidad en la Salud?

How does the loss of biodiversity impact on health?

With the health crisis caused by COVID-19, investigations have been disclosed that report a strong connection between biodiversity loss and the increase in infectious diseases 1 . At the same time, in the last dissemination of the global risks carried out by the World Economic Forum, it was highlighted that the loss of biodiversity is one of the main risks for the global economy given its great potential affectation towards people and the resilience of the planet. 
Llega el otoño a tu cabello: ¿alopecia estacional?

Autumn comes to your hair: seasonal alopecia?

Almost our entire life runs into cycles that open and close, recreating incessantly, again and again. The hair has its own life cycle and although 90% of our capillary mass usually remains in the growth phase (or Anagena phase), sometimes very specific, it can fall abruptly calling our attention and that of the people around us.
Primera causa de ceguera en el mundo, DEGENERACIÓN MACULAR ASOCIADA A LA EDAD

First cause of blindness in the world, macular degeneration associated with age

Macular degeneration associated with age (DMAE) It is the first cause of blindness in people over 65 in developed countries and, according to the World Health Organization, already affects about 200 million people worldwide. 5.3% of people over 50 suffer from it, assuming this figure 1’5% of the Spanish population, about 700,000 affected.
La importancia de un correcto manejo de las infecciones de urinarias

The importance of correct management of urinary tract infections

Dr. Alberto Rivero, a specialist in Urology at the University Hospital of Burgos, tells us the importance of proper management of urinary infections.

Alternativas saludables a los alimentos perjudiciales para el hígado

Healthy alternatives to foods that are harmful to the liver

He liver It is a very important organ of our body that plays a fundamental role in the digestion and in the detox of blood flow and elimination of toxins.
Propósitos de año nuevo: controlar el colesterol y la diabetes

New Year purposes: control cholesterol and diabetes

With the entrance of new Year, there is a tradition of putting a series of objectives to be met from January 1, all for a good reason as is usually careful and improved our state of health. Some choose to sign up for the gym, and others for promising themselves who will renounce their usual Thursday beer. Everything is valid in order to have an iron health!
Anemia: síntomas y cómo combatirla eficazmente

Anemia: symptoms and how to combat it effectively

Anemia is a medical condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen effectively to tissues...