Like every year, the strongest allergy season is looming on the calendar. Increasingly earlier and with great differences between different coastal or inland areas. So that we are not caught off guard, before it begins, we are going to make some considerations prior to some advice.
In short, on the coast we have allergies throughout the year, becoming more acute in the months of March, April, September or October due to the presence of mites indoors and fungi both indoors and outdoors. When spring arrives, patients who have minor symptoms throughout the year, when pollination begins, explode with acute allergy symptoms for days, improving with the arrival of the rain. In interior areas, the appearance of spring is more noticeable with high amounts of pollen on a daily and sustained basis.
Two natural warnings are the appearance of daisies and the increase in temperature above 20 degrees. The latter, together with the amount of water that has accumulated in the subsoil in autumn and winter, will give way to pollination and subsequent flowering, causing the appearance of spring allergy symptoms. There will be more allergenic pollen grains in the environment in green areas, either due to wild grasses that we find in undeveloped fields and pastures or in parks and gardens where cypress, birch, olive, privet or other potentially allergenic plants have been planted.
Knowing that prevention is better than regret, we are going to give some ideas to deal with allergies in the best way.
Throughout the year, taking care of our diet and performing daily physical exercise are as important as the use of medications that mitigate symptoms.
Daily exercise stimulates the immune system, helps renew the body's cells, eliminates toxins and stimulates growth hormone, among others; On the other hand, it stimulates intestinal transit, promoting a healthy environment at that level.
Little is said about the largest site where we house our immune system, the intestinal tract. Taking care of our bacterial flora means taking care of healthy and correct digestion, preventing food from fermenting in the digestive tract, favoring the appearance of gases and attracting liquid instead of being metabolized and absorbed to be converted into energy.
Therefore, how to improve the intestinal microbiota? Not everything goes to improve the bacterial flora. Due to an alteration in the intestinal flora that we can improve, the solution should not be to permanently eliminate all foods that are difficult for us to digest. we will have to go to products that do not stimulate unnecessary bacteria and stimulate the others. Not everything natural is safe, but there are many that are.
As natural products for allergies, we find some flavonoids such as quercetin that taken in appropriate quantities or combined with vitamins They increase the body's defenses and reduce the effects of unstable molecules or free radicals that are generated in cells; Selenium, for example, also helps with this function. We also know that the vitamin C and zinc blend They help increase the amount of defense immunoglobulins and reduce fatigue. Another essential vitamin is retinol or vitamin A which, in addition to helping in this task, acts on the skin and mucous membranes, keeping them healthy. So I could continue with an endless list of substances that, especially when put together, add value to our diet to keep balance and the immune system on guard and prepared.
When the allergy arrives, we will be prepared and we will try to avoid exposure. If this is not possible, we will use the rescue medication; Sometimes we put maintenance treatment to avoid the appearance of symptoms
- Avoid exposure decreasing the quantity. To do this, avoid accumulation of organic material (hairs, scales), excessive humidity and storage of things, clothes or boxes.
- When cleaning a Aspirator that has a high collection water filter or filter.
- For changes in summer-winter clothes, use mask or premedication.
- By saving clean clothes, it is better to use aspirated or vacuum bags To bother the growth of mites.
In front of the polenes, I advise:
- Look The pollen level (there are pages like very good and exhaustive).
- Avoid exposing yourself as far as possible to abroad the days that does not rain.
- When traveling by car, doing so with uploaded windows. For short trips, it is recommended to use the air or air conditioner of the vehicle itself to recirculate the air. For long trips, it is advisable to use antipolen filters.
- Wear closed sunglasses.
- Upon arriving at a closed place, passing through the bathroom to Clean the eyes of pollen grains that there are in the conjunctival bag; Do not rub your eyes. At night repeat cleaning. In this way, we will reduce the symptoms of allergy in the eyes
If it is the first time that it presents symptoms of allergy such as sneezing, conjunctivitis, dermatitis, respiratory distress crisis goes to your head doctor, pediatrician or directly to your specialist in allergology in order to study the particular case and assess the realization of a DEFINITIVE TREATMENT WITH ANTIGENODESIVILIZIZING VACCINATION.
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