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 And that 46% of them do not know? They are data from Enrica study, and alert about the serious problem we face, both of incidence and inaction.

However, in Bioksan We wake up for you health, so we tell you everything you need to know about cholesterol and what are your optimal levels.

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a lipid similar to the fat found in all body cells, and that is essential for the formation of hormones and the metabolism of vitamin D.

But if accumulates excessively in blood Increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and accidents, so their levels must be controlled.

Types of cholesterol

There are two kinds of cholesterol:

  • LDL or "bad cholesterol": It constitutes the majority of the cholesterol of our body, but its excess can obstruct the arteries.
  • HDL or "good cholesterol": Being the bad cholesterol of the arteries and other parts of the organism to return it to the liver, and that it breaks it and uses it.

RECOMMENDED cholesterol levels according to your age and sex.

Cholesterol levels are measured in milligrams by deciliter (mg/dl), and their healthy values ​​depend on the age and the sex of each individual.

Up to 19 years

Children and young people up to 19 years old, regardless of their sex, must have a total cholesterol Below 170 mg/dl. His Bad or LDL cholesterol will have to be less than 100 mg/dl and the Well or HDL over 45 mg/dl.

In addition, the NO-HDL level, which includes LDL and other types of cholesterol such as very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), should be of 120 mg/dl maximum.

Men from 20 years

In the case of adult men, their total cholesterol It must be Between 125 and 200 mg/dl, his NO-HDL must be less than 130 mg/dl, and his LDL and its HDL less than 100 and 40 mg/dl, respectively.

Women from 20 years

Finally, adult women should have same levels of total cholesterol, non-hdl and LDL as the men of the same age To stay healthy. But they need older HDL values, with a minimum of 50 mg/dl.

Women from 20 years

While it is true that aging increases the risk of high cholesterol,cholesterol is not just an age issue!

exist Some factors that can trigger this health problem in young people, such as obesity, have Background of relatives with high cholesterol or carry one unhealthy diet.

When to start measuring cholesterol

The children and youth of Until 20 years do not need to measure your cholesterol Unless your father or mother has high blood values or have Family history of early cardiac disease.

AND From the age of 20 We should all perform analytical, at least, Every 5 years.

Bioksan It can help you Reduce your cholesterol naturally thanks to Lipok, a nutritional complement whose efficacy has been confirmed by the prestigious European Journal of Medical and Health Science.

Try it and notice the difference!

