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Sleep well It is essential to face the day to day with energy and perform in our daily activities. Without enough rest, our body weakens and begins to fail: the concentration and the attention, ability to memorization, increases the probability of suffering cardiovascular accidents or diseases such as hypertension... for all that you must maintain a correct rest hygiene and give him the importance he deserves to sleep hours. Do you know what it means to sleep well and how to know if you really do it? In Bioksan We give you all Keys of a quality dream, because your health is not only your priority, but also ours.

What is considered a dream of quality?

Health experts have delimited the parameters that consider that they are recommended to enjoy a dream of quality and repair, which allows us to get up with energy.
  • Sleep hours a day: between 7 and 8.
  • Do not wake up during the nochE, or do it for short periods.
  • Deep sleep: Between 10-25% of the time.
  • Time to reach the REM phase (Phase in which we usually dream and involuntary movements occur in our closed eyes): The sooner the better, although it usually takes between 10 and 90 minutes.
  • Quiet dream, without shocks and with a correct breath, without problems such as apnea.

 Symptoms that you don't sleep well

There are a number of symptoms or indicators that your body is not resting as it should, such as:

  • Wake up many times overnight.
  • Do not feel rested When getting up.
  • Have baggy eyes.
  • Diurnal sleepiness and fatigue.
  • Irritability and irascible behavior.
  • Lack of concentration and difficulties for memorization and the learning.
  • Propensity to accidents


How to improve sleep quality?

If you are one of those who have problems reconciling or you are going through a period of your life where you feel you don't rest well, you should know that you can improve the quality of your dream by incorporating singles habits In your routine. Follow the following tips and you will notice the difference:
Get properly for rest: If you like to do sports, try to finish your training 3 hours before going to bed, to prevent the activation to which we have subjected our body to cause us insomnia. You should also avoid electronic devices as mobile phones at least half an hour before bedtime, because the light of their screens confuse our body making it think that it is day and it must be awake. In return, you can bet on performing relaxing activities such as reading.
Establish a rest routine: You must lie and get up at the same time. Only then will your brain learn to identify when to disconnect and when to be awake.
Take cherry extract before sleep: 100% natural ingredient that contains melatonin that regulates the circadian rhythm and promotes a deeper rest.

Did you know that in Bioksan Do we have a nutritional complement with cherry extract? Is about Zenex, and it is an exceptional nutritional complement to Take care of your dream naturally! You just have to take it half an hour before bedtime And you will get the tranquility you need to enjoy an optimal break.
