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“Diarrea del Viajero”. Cómo Prevenirla y Tratarla

“Diarrea del Viajero”. Cómo Prevenirla y Tratarla

El verano ha llegado y con él las tan esperadas vacaciones y viajes. Sin embargo, uno de los problemas más comunes que pueden arruinar una escapada perfecta es la temida...
mejorar la concentración

10 tips to improve your concentration

In times of exams or intense work, maintaining a good concentration is key to success in your daily tasks, especially in times of stress. Concentration is a complex function that...
Complemento alimenticio para controlar la prediabetes

Food complement to control prediabetes

The link between prediabetes, diabetes and the importance of glycemic control Prediabetes and diabetes They affect millions of people Worldwide. These conditions are characterized by high blood glucose levels, which...
¿Para qué sirve el aloe vera?

What is Aloe Vera for?

He aloe vera It is known for its healing and cosmetic properties. In fact, it is a plant that has been used since ancient times. This article explores the characteristics...
caida del cabello

Natural remedy for hair loss

Hair drop is a growing concern for both men and women in today's society. Factors such as stress, poor diet and genetics play an important role in this problem. However, natural solutions such as Bioksan Capilex are gaining popularity due to their integral benefits.
BIOKSANLAND ha comenzado el cambio

Bioksanland has begun change

"Enkyukakakaka Etandika Nawee" (the change begins in you)

In 2019 Bioksan collaborates with World Project NGO In the acquisition of a hectare of land in the heart of Africa, on the shores of Lake Victoria, Uganda.

Bioksanland It is a natural space that is committed to ecosostible development, empowering the community of Kikaya, in the city of Enterbbe.

¿Cómo impacta la pérdida de Biodiversidad en la Salud?

How does the loss of biodiversity impact on health?

With the health crisis caused by COVID-19, investigations have been disclosed that report a strong connection between biodiversity loss and the increase in infectious diseases 1 . At the same time, in the last dissemination of the global risks carried out by the World Economic Forum, it was highlighted that the loss of biodiversity is one of the main risks for the global economy given its great potential affectation towards people and the resilience of the planet. 


We invite you to know in depth the study of Dr. Santiago de Dios, where it is demonstrated that:

  • Add Lipok® (Red Rice, Berber and Coenzyme Q10) to conventional hypolipemit therapy is effective in reducing LDL levels (10'93%reduction).
  • Adding Lipok® to the usual therapy in dyslipremia improves tolerance to statins (35.4%reduction).
El Modelo de Colaboración de Bioksan en América Latina

The Bioksan Collaboration Model in Latin America

In 2022 the well-being model of Bioksan, focused on caring for Health, the Planet and People, crosses to the other side of the Atlantic and arrives in safe harbor on the Island of Earth Bomb - Colombia. An island community located in front of the bay of historic Cartagena de Indias, where more than 3,000 people live in conditions of extreme material poverty, in the middle of a sea of ​​opportunities due to its natural environment and the cultural wealth of its community.

Bioksan collaboration in Sierra Leone.

Recently Bioksan has collaborated with the NGO Schools of Wara Wara, an organization that operates in Sierra Leone since 2012 giving assistance to different communities affected by poverty by promoting education for the little ones. Schools, latrines, wells, furniture ... They build basic infrastructure by hand empowering the communities where they work. We met this initiative through the contact of its founder, ...
III Entrega de las Becas 6% de Bioksan.

III Delivery of the 6% Bioksan Scholarships.

For the third consecutive year, Bioksan delivers its 6% Scholarships to non-profit associations in Madrid that work for the social inclusion of young people at risk
Llega el otoño a tu cabello: ¿alopecia estacional?

Autumn comes to your hair: seasonal alopecia?

Almost our entire life runs into cycles that open and close, recreating incessantly, again and again. The hair has its own life cycle and although 90% of our capillary mass usually remains in the growth phase (or Anagena phase), sometimes very specific, it can fall abruptly calling our attention and that of the people around us.