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Primera causa de ceguera en el mundo, DEGENERACIÓN MACULAR ASOCIADA A LA EDAD

First cause of blindness in the world, macular degeneration associated with age

Macular degeneration associated with age (DMAE) It is the first cause of blindness in people over 65 in developed countries and, according to the World Health Organization, already affects about 200 million people worldwide. 5.3% of people over 50 suffer from it, assuming this figure 1’5% of the Spanish population, about 700,000 affected.
Inclusión y progreso: En Bioksan promovemos la educación a través de un programa de becas

Inclusion and progress: In Bioksan we promote education through a scholarship program

From Bioksan we reaffirm our commitment to the job insertion and social inclusion of young, contributing to our work of allocating 6% of the benefits to solidarity projects.
Bioksan con Lucía Machado – Surf, planeta y personas.

Bioksan with Lucía Machado - Surf, Planet and people.

Beyond creating natural solutions for people care, Bioksan promotes healthy lifestyle and good habits for the conservation of the planet with its activity but also through this project of sponsorization that begins now with Lucia, our surf champion and the hope of many young people who follow their wake.
Bioksan y los océanos

Bioksan and Oceans

Let's celebrate together the World Ocean Day With Bioksan and our commitment to the environment! Today, June 8, it is World Ocean Day, a date that fills us with emotion and invites us to reflect on the importance of protecting and caring for the marine ecosystem.
La importancia de un correcto manejo de las infecciones de urinarias

The importance of correct management of urinary tract infections

Dr. Alberto Rivero, a specialist in Urology at the University Hospital of Burgos, tells us the importance of proper management of urinary infections.

Alternativas saludables a los alimentos perjudiciales para el hígado

Healthy alternatives to foods that are harmful to the liver

He liver It is a very important organ of our body that plays a fundamental role in the digestion and in the detox of blood flow and elimination of toxins.
Más de 500 personas unidas en una Gala Solidaria en favor de los niños y familias con enfermedades raras

More than 500 people united in a solidarity gala in favor of children and families with rare diseases

Bioksan will champion the Positive impact on society. Once again he reaffirmed his commitment to social responsibility by allocating 6% of its benefits to social actions and organizing a solidarity gala to raise funds for the D´Gegos Association that works in favor of families with rare diseases.
Propósitos de año nuevo: controlar el colesterol y la diabetes

New Year purposes: control cholesterol and diabetes

With the entrance of new Year, there is a tradition of putting a series of objectives to be met from January 1, all for a good reason as is usually careful and improved our state of health. Some choose to sign up for the gym, and others for promising themselves who will renounce their usual Thursday beer. Everything is valid in order to have an iron health!
Anemia: síntomas y cómo combatirla eficazmente

Anemia: symptoms and how to combat it effectively

Anemia is a medical condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen effectively to tissues...
¿Por qué es importante la vitamina C para la salud?

Why is vitamin C important for health?

The vitamins They are essential nutrients for the health of our body, which intervene in processes as crucial as the cellular function, disease prevention or growth.
Por qué es un error subestimar la prediabetes

Why it is a mistake to underestimate prediabetes

The prediabetes It is a common reality that should not be underestimated. The most encouraging is that it is completely reversible. With small changes in lifestyle, it can be prevented that prediabetes evolve towards type 2 diabetes or even delay your appearance. These changes, although simple, have proven to be highly effective in maintaining a good health.
Jugar mientras se lucha: Colaboramos con La Fundación Juegaterapia en su proyecto «El Jardín de mi hospi», nuevo espacio de juego para hacer más llevadera la quimioterapia en niños

Play while fighting: we collaborate with the Judarapia Foundation in its project "The Garden of My Hospi", new game space to make chemotherapy in children more bearable

On July 2 the Judarapia Foundation Inaugurated its fifth "garden of my hospi", an outdoor game space built, on this occasion, in the Niño Jesús de Madrid Hospital, in which admitted children can enjoy a new outdoor game zone with their families.