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The delicious christmas food It is a delight for our taste, but in these moments when lunches, dinners and other commitments become a routine at the end of the year and the beginning of the next, it is necessary to remember that moderation when eating is essential to enjoy good health. Not only in the medium and long term to avoid problems such as being overweight, but to overcome other more immediate ailments such as heartburn and the gastric reflux.


In Bioksan We explain how you can prevent them to enjoy this Christmas as it should.


What is acidity? And the reflux?


Before you begin, you should know that the heartburn and the Reflux They are not the same, although they are often confused. Heartburn feels like a sensation of burning in it stomach, giving rise to an impression of poor digestion. This can occur when one eats food that is too heavy or spicy, although it is not worrying and usually resolves in a short time.

However, when this discomfort evolves to a burning in the area of ​​the throat caused by a regurgitation, we are faced with a case of gastroesophageal reflux, and could indicate a health problem such as hiatus hernia.

How to remove heartburn and reflux at Christmas?

In these cases, the best measure against acidity and the Reflux is prevent situations that could trigger them.

Don't overeat

“Virtue is found in the middle,” we have been told thousands of times throughout our lives. And, in this case, this phrase is completely true. You don't have to eat so little that you feel hungry, but you don't have to try to fill yourself up either. Faced with the irrational desire to eat more and more, use the common sense and stand before it's too late.
Avoid heavy and spicy foods, and replace them with light foods
If you regularly have heartburn or reflux episodes, a good idea would be to stop eating too much food. heavy and spicy. The sausages, fried foods, sauces and Christmas sweets they can be your worst enemies so be careful and replace them with light foods as fruit and vegetables seasonal.

Don't lie down after eating

If you have just finished eating, you will know that your body is doing the digestion. And for that you need a period of repose. But don't think that going to bed is going to help this process, quite the opposite! When you go to bed, gastric juices Those in charge of dissolving the food in your stomach will not be able to cover it completely, and this will make the process difficult.
And, of course, place yourself in horizontal favors gastric acids go up into the esophagus. That is why it is better to sit upright.


Take IROMAX® with your food

There is also a natural way to take care of your digestive health, and that is by taking IROMAX®, a food supplement that accompanies your digestion, and at the same time relieves intestinal discomfort and protect your microbiota.IROMAX® contains a mixture of 14 herbal compounds based on the principles of Ayurvedic medicine, and even 5 probiotic strains high quality. You will only have to take one or two capsules a day in different shots with the foods.


Have you taken notes on how to take care of your digestion this Christmas?

In Bioksan We are driven by a passion to take care of people's health, and that is why we wish you a happy and very healthy holidays, and a prosperous new year.
