Have you noticed that your hair falls lately and you don't know why? The Hair drop It can be caused by many causes: stress, Lack of good nutrition, hormonal changes... In addition, during the summer there are many External agents They can accelerate hair loss.
We explain to you What are they and how can you prevent them from damaging your hair.
One of the possible reasons why you are noticing that your hair loses density is the sweat. This could obstruct the Pilose follicle, where the hair is born, and would prevent hair from growing properly.
With summer, the increase in temperatures makes us sweat frequently and this condition could be triggered, for which it is recommended do not wash your hair with water too hot. The reason is that sebaceous glands would react to heat producing More tallow of the usual and contributing to the obstruction.
He air-conditioning causes lack of moisture in the environment, which curly Your hair leaving it gap and doing him lose shine.
For this reason, the summer months in which your hair faces the changes caused by air conditioning devices They are a good time to start taking care of your hair with 100% natural food supplements.
We know that King Star It can be harmful to our skin, but now we add that it is also for our hair. Ultraviolet rays weaken hair structure, they dry and spoil their root. A advice is that you use a hat or handkerchief when you are outdoors in central hours.
Summer arrives, the holidays and we go to the beach. Unfortunately, although we have a lot of bathing in the sea, his saltwater dehydrate our hair.
Here are a Tip To continue enjoying your bathrooms: Clarify your hair in the shower or when you get to home to prevent the salt Spend a lot of time in contact with your hair and you will keep it healthy and hydrated.
If your hair breaks, it can be for chlorine
Another summer classics that could be ruining your hair: the pool. And is that the chlorine Of its waters it generates porosity in the hair, making it more prone to breakage.
Alert symptoms
exist 4 main symptoms that will alert you about a problem in your hair health: hair loss, loss of volume and brightness, brittle nails and skin off. If you suffer from any of these symptoms, begin to take care of yourself with Capilex. Thus you will recover capillary health, With your usual density, force and brightness.