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The vitamins They are essential nutrients for the health of our body, which intervene in processes as crucial as cellular function, disease prevention or growth.

They are absorbed through what we eat, so it is advisable to follow a varied diet that covers all our nutritional needs.

Therefore, in Bioksan We are going to explain to you all the keys to a type of vitamin necessary for the growth and repair of body tissues, the famous vitamin C.

What is vitamin C and what is it for?

The vitamin C, also know as ascorbic acid, is an essential nutrient in the following processes:

  • Form collagen: Essential in tissues such as skin, tendons and ligaments, and also for blood vessels.
  • Absorb iron: To make hemoglobin, which transports oxygen through the blood.
  • Fight free radicals: They are very reactive oxygen molecules whose accumulation in cells is harmful to health.
  • Strengthen the immune system: For example, taking vitamin C could reduce the duration of a common cold.


Symptoms of lack of vitamin C

A vitamin C deficiency prolonged can lead to serious health problems such as scurvy, although currently this disease is not very common due to the easy access we have to products with this vitamin. Some symptoms of vitamin C deficiency are:

  • Poor wound healing
  • Bleeding gums
  • Dry and rough skin
  • Hair loss, which appears brittle
  • Recurrent infections
  • Weakening of tooth enamel


How to treat vitamin C deficiency?

Lack of vitamin C is treated by increasing the intake of some foods rich in this substance, such as: citrus such as grapefruit, tangerine, kiwi, orange or lemon; others fruit like the mango; and vegetables such as pepper, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage or spinach.

But there is also a very simple, quick and safe way to incorporate this essential nutrient: Food Complements. These will help you comply with the minimum recommended daily amount of vitamin C, which are some 80 milligrams.

Did you know that in Bioksan Do we have several products that include vitamin C among their ingredients?

  • Immunok It helps activate your defenses, as it ensures that the immune system functions normally. Only 3 capsules of Inmunok, the recommended dose in the acute phase of treatment, cover 3 times the minimum amount of daily vitamin C
  • Artiok It takes care of your joints, and a single capsule will help you cover 50% of your daily vitamin C needs.
  • Uriex It is perfect for treating urinary infection processes. Taking two capsules of Uriex covers 250% of the minimum recommended values ​​for vitamin C.

And you, have you thought about taking a food supplement with vitamin C to take care of your health? In Bioksan We want your well-being and that is why we put at your disposal a wide range of products that cover any of the nutritional needs that you may require throughout your life.
