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"Neurons are cells of delicate and elegant forms, the mysterious butterflies of the soul, whose beats who knows if the secret of mental life will someday clarify."

Ramón y Cajal (Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1906)

After more than a year living an unprecedented situation marked by uncertainty, a high number of people is experiencing mental overload. In the long term, chronic stress episodes and negative thoughts could have an impact on health, triggering cognitive impairment.

Now more than ever it is time to take care of our brain health. As? Through actions and activities that improve their long -term quality of life.

In the same way that happens with the musculature and skeletal apparatus, the brain needs to exercise and stay at adequate levels of activity. For this, it is essential to lead a healthy lifestyle and put into practice certain activities that promote concentration, our mental agility, our memory and the ability to reason.

From the age of 25, brain volume begins to be lost naturally, which causes a progressive decrease in mental functions. Therefore, it is important that it contributes to the strengthening of what is known as cognitive reserve. The higher our cognitive reserve, the greater the ability of our brain to compensate for the effects of aging and deterioration.

Food is one of the few risk factors that we can control to improve our brain health. It is recommended to opt for a balanced diet high in omega 3 fats, rich in vegetables, vegetables, fruits, legumes and nuts. Avoiding excess salt, sugars, trans fats and ultraprocessed foods.

The consumption of tobacco and alcohol should be avoided because they interfere directly with the neuronal function and suppose one of the main risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases. The prevention of diseases such as obesity, hypercholesterolemia and diabetes is decisive. Maintain blood pressure levels above 13th mm Hg or higher increases the possibilities of suffering a stroke.

Under the advice of a health professional, food supplements can be allied in obtaining fundamental nutrients, without replacing the intake of natural foods.

There are substances whose nutritional contribution is important for the proper functioning of brain activity. The crown jewel for any body function (including brain) is Omega 3 (EPA and DHA). Its consumption is basic to prevent degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's.

We also highlight the consumption of probiotics that is associated with the prevention and improvement of the emotional and mental state due to the direct axis that is established between digestive health and nervous system.

Similarly, caffeine has demonstrated powerful evidence for the improvement of cognitive performance and reduction of disease risk such as Parkinson's.

Zinc and magnesium are emerging as the essential minerals at the brain level. The zinc deficit is associated with different neurological and psychological disorders and magnesium has the nickname of miraculous mineral, associating its supplementation with improvements in working memory and long -term memory.

We cannot ignore the power of the widely studied adaptogens, highlighting the Bacopa. Its supplementation favors attention, memory and learning, also increases neuronal plasticity and prevents degeneration of neurons.

Some more recently studied phytotherapeutics such as sage, which inhibits the action of colinesterases in the brain, increase acetylcholine levels stimulating neurotransmission.

Amino acids such as L-Teanina work in the brain by regulating emotions, alertness, sleep, energy, as well as other cognitive skills. His contribution promotes relaxation and encourages a state of calm and attentive vigil.

Thus, we have the recipe to improve and prevent the health of our brain, with a kilo and a half of weight, thousands of blood vessels, being the organ with more fat of our body and at the same time, it could be suffering without us getting out account.

Take care of him.

Irene Barreto González
Bioksan Advisor Medical
