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With the entry of the month of November the colds and colds They become a constant around us. The cough, the mucus, the pain of throat, of head and the chills for the fever These are its most common symptoms and those that impair our health.

But do you know why colds multiply at this time of year? In Bioksan we explain to you why it is important to strengthen your immune system in November.

Closed spaces, the cause of your colds

Have you ever wondered why colds are less common in summer? Surely you have attributed it to cold, and although it really has something to do with it, the truth is that the person ultimately responsible for colds is closed spaces.

While it is true that the reason we lock ourselves at home is low temperatures, the way we infect viruses is due to greater proximity between people in spaces unventilated. All it takes is for someone to cough, sneeze, or simply talk for the viral particles to pass into the air or a surface with which someone later comes into contact and becomes infected.

He autumn It is the season in which we reduce our outdoor activities and the back to school for the little ones and job For adults, ideal contexts for the spread of common colds.

Temperature changes and low defenses

The temperature changes They are also another factor that increases the likelihood of catching a cold, according to pulmonologists. The explanation is that quickly going from the cold of the street to the heat of an interior can cause dryness of our mucous membranes, which are a natural barrier against infections. And in this case, the heating stands out as responsible for drying out your mucous membranes.

To this we should add that viruses begin to proliferate at this time of year because they are better preserved in low temperatures. And all this, together with our direct contact In poorly ventilated places, as we mentioned, it is an ideal breeding ground for the spread of viruses.

Sedentary life and greater probability of getting sick

The lack of physical activity has been linked to a greater propensity to get sick from weakening of the immune system that provokes

In fact, it has been shown that the physical exercise Moderate exercise performed on a regular basis is enough to keep defenses high.

Tips to strengthen your immune system

The good news is that we can anticipate colds and catarrhs ​​by adopting healthy lifestyle habits such as the following:

  • Eat foods rich in vitamins, such as fruits and vegetables.
  • Get enough sleep, about 7 or 8 hours a day.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Stay hydrated
  • Take specific food supplements to strengthen the immune system, such as Immunok, which activates your defenses naturally.
  • In Bioksan we recommend incorporating Immunok to your diet with an initial guideline of 3 capsules daily, what we call the acute phase, and then give way to a maintenance phase in which it will be enough to take one capsule a day. You will take care of your immune system naturally thanks to its composition with plant active and vitamins!


    And if you prefer, Immunok Family It is the ideal supplement to activate the defenses of the whole family, even those of the little ones!
