With the entrance of new Year, there is a tradition of putting a series of objectives to be met from January 1, all for a good reason as is usually careful and improved our state of health. Some choose to sign up for the gym, and others for promising themselves who will renounce their usual Thursday beer. Everything is valid in order to have an iron health!
But those who live with conditions such as diabetes or the high cholesterol They have to take their purposes very seriously. In your case, do not make exceptions and follow your doctor's advice together must be essential. And in Bioksan We want to help you get all your goals to find health over. Follow our advice to defeat cholesterol and diabetes this year 2024!
New Year purposes: control cholesterol and diabetes
You just went through a holiday period, happy and calm, surrounded by family and friends. But also full of commitments that have made you skip your food routines And they have been able to affect your health. That is why it is a good time to undergo a Complete blood analytics And start the year knowing exactly what is not going well in your body and remedy as soon as possible.
Another trick that you can follow to carry a healthier routine is to use the balanced dish method. That is, divide the dish of each meal with a 50% vegetables (All types of vegetables and vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, beans, peas ...), a 25% carbohydrates (potatoes, bread, cereals, legumes ...) and another 25% Anima ProteinsS (meat and fish).
In addition, you must take into account that fiber (fruits, vegetables and whole grains or legumes) helps Control cholesterol, quite the opposite that the ultraprocessed food, the seafood waves Egg yolks. Avoid the latter if you don't want your analysis to get worse!
If you just finished eating, you will know that your body is doing the digestion. And for that he needs a period of repose. But do not think that lying you will help that process, but quite the opposite! When you go to bed, the gastric juices in charge of dissolving food in your stomach they will not cover them in their entirety, and this will make the process difficult.
And, of course, place in horizontal favors gastric acids They go up to the esophagus. That is why it is better to sit upright.
Feel stress In your day to day it releases Cortisol, the main hormone responsible for anxiety. But, as if that were not enough, excess cortisol can also take its toll to your cholesterol levels.
There are scientific evidence about relationship between stress and the high cholesterol, so perhaps you should lower the revolutions and face your routine in a more relaxed way.
You have started the year with a list of purposes to fulfill, and that means that the Christmas It was already behind. If you still have any sweets like nougat or mazapanes at home, try to avoid it! Above all, in case you are hyperglycemic.
In Bioksan We are specialists in taking care of your health, and that is why we have Food Complements that will allow you to maintain the well -being you deserve.
You still don't know Lipok? It is a natural remedy to combat the high cholesterol. And, on the other hand, another food complement as Noglux Helps maintain some adequate glucose levels In your body.
With these singles Tips And the help of products Bioksan, you will start 2024 with unwavering health! And if you want to deepen what you know about your condition, discover what are the RECOMMENDED cholesterol levels according to your age and sex, and What is prediabetes.
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