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The Christmas is synonymous with celebrations and parties with family and friends, as well as great banquets in which the meal abounds But to be able to enjoy Christmas delicacies healthily, you have to know when enough is enough.

He abuse of copious meals or too much fat can lead to poor digestion that will prevent us from having a good time, so in Bioksan we want to explain to you everything about cHow to properly digest at Christmas.

Why is it important to do digestion well?

The digestion It consists of a process by which our body reduces the food we eat into small molecules to extract the nutrients what do you need to get energy.

If this process is interrupted, what we know as indigestion, or in other words, those unpleasant symptoms that you experience after eating too much.

Symptoms of indigestion

Some of the most common symptoms of indigestion are the following:

  • Discomfort in the upper part of the abdomen.
  • Heartburn
  • Feeling of heaviness and swelling
  • Belching
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting


Of these symptoms, nausea and the vomiting They are also common in digestion cuts (actually called “hydrocution"), although we should not confuse them. While indigestion is usually caused by excessive or too rapid intake of heavy foods, hydrocution is induced by a sudden change in temperature.

How to make digestion faster at Christmas?

However, you should know that it is possible to enjoy Christmas food without any problems, as long as we eat properly prudent and following the tips which we present to you below:


  • Eat slowly and chew well.
  • Avoid or moderate the intake of very fatty or spicy foods.
  • Don't eat too much and stop when you feel full.
  • Replace classic Christmas desserts (nougat, mantecados, Polvorones...) with versions low in sugar or fruit.
  • Do not abuse alcohol or carbonated drinks.

    What to take to improve digestion?

    And to improve definitely yours digestive processes, there is still something else you can do: incorporate the food supplement into your diet Iromax


    Iromax It is composed of Herbagut®, a mixture of 14 herbal compounds based on the principles of Ayurvedic medicine, and up to 5 high-quality probiotic strains. Support your digestion, intestinal discomfort and your microbiota.

    You will only have to take 1 to 3 capsules a day in different doses with meals, depending on the intensity of the symptoms. Space at least 2 hours between taking antibiotics.
